Internal Dealing and inside information

Internal Dealing refers to the purchase and sale transactions performed on the securities of a listed company by its directors, statutory auditors and top managers.

Legislation has put under the charge of these individuals the obligation to immediately inform the market of any purchase/sale transaction performed on the securities of their company (Article 114, paragraph 7 of the Consolidated Finance Act and Articles 152-sexies et sequitur of the Consob Issuers’ Regulation 11971/99).

In this context, the Board of Directors of Openjobmetis has approved the procedure for the internal management and external disclosure of inside information pursuant to Application Criterion 1.C.1 of the Code of Conduct. It has also set up the register of persons who have access to inside information pursuant to Article 115-bis of the Consolidated Finance Act and has approved the internal dealing procedure related to transactions involving the purchase, sale, subscription or exchange of Company shares or financial instruments linked to the shares carried out by relevant persons.