Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Sustainability and Social Responsibility


What does "sustainability" mean when referring to the absolutely intangible sphere of services, and in particular of work? How can a group of companies in the HR sector like ours operate in a "sustainable" way?

The answer develops along three main lines:

Openjobmetis has always been attentive to people and the community within which it operates, pursuing not only the quality of the services offered, but also the well-being of its employees, both direct and sent on missions to client companies. 

Attention to sustainable development 
is detailed in our periodic Non-Financial Disclosure.


Our Group supports local and national events and initiatives aimed at:

Collective and individual well-being of employees
Collective and individual well-being of employees
Job dignity and employment opportunities for any individual
Job dignity and employment opportunities for any individual
Attention to the environment and territories in which we operate
Attention to the environment and territories in which we operate


In a highly competitive market such as the current one, the best companies stand out in their ability to pursue their values, reconciling the quality of service with compliance with the regulations and laws in force.


All companies of the Openjobmetis Group adopt a Code of Ethics, which aims to outline the conduct we have chosen to adopt towards our Stakeholders, in line with company policies and in compliance with our core values: integrity, correctness, transparency , responsibility and honesty. Principles that inspire us on a daily basis in carrying out our business, to build and maintain a relationship of collaboration, respect and trust with our interlocutors.

We also have an Organisational Model, containing provisions, procedures and controls useful for preventing the perpetration of the offences envisaged by the Legislative Decree 231/01 and subsequent amendments and additions.

Our Disciplinary System, conversely, describes the methods we use in case of violation of the Organisational Model by all stakeholders.

Code of ethicspdf / 4.8 MB
Organisational Modelpdf / 777.5 KB
Disciplinary Systempdf / 186.13 KB