Staff Leasing

Staff Leasing

Staff leasing is an exclusive tool that allows the user company to introduce staff hired on an open-ended basis by Openjobmetis for a medium-long period. The contract is permanent but the job is flexible. The use of this type of commercial agreement is regulated by Italian Legislative Decree 276/03, as amended by Financial Law 2010. Despite its use is limited to certain sectors and specific functions, local or corporate collective labour agreements are entitled to identify new ones.




There are many advantages for the company:

  • Flexibility as to the company's real needs
  • No legislative concerns
  • Savings on the management costs
  • Reduced administration costs for the entire process, ranging from recruitment, selection and training to administrative management, which are borne by Openjobmetis
  • Managerial, technical, organisational and control power over the worker
  • Possibility of planning occupational needs according to company objectives
  • Greater retention of resources thanks to the greater length and stability of the contract, an aspect that hardly ever happens in normal temporary work contracts

Through permanent outsourcing and our staff leasing, we render available flexible and profitable tools to our clients’ companies and, at the same time, we ensure working continuity and protection to candidates.

For introducing staff employed permanently by Openjobmetis