

Openjobmetis offers free training courses aimed to strengthen and/or upgrade  professional skills  with the aim of  facilitating candidates into the job market and support their professional growth.

The courses are free, aimed at unemployed and are provided through the Forma.Temp fund (Agency employed work force training fund).



Forma.Temp finances 3 types of training courses:

  • Basic: courses on general themes but of importance to the labour market (for example foreign languages, communication, computer science, etc.) with the objective of increasing attendants' skills in view of a subsequent hiring
  • Professional: specific courses planned to satisfy companies' needs for special roles which are missing in the local area of reference (for example courses for welders, butchers, fork lift operators, cashiers, etc.). Since planned in collaboration with the companies, these courses have an adequate professional impact on the attendants

Free courses through the Forma.Temp Fund