In addition to what has already been indicated in the Privacy Policy, pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 regarding the protection of personal data (hereinafter the “Regulation”) and the applicable national legislation, Openjobmetis S.p.A. (hereinafter “Openjobmetis”) (hereinafter “Company” or “Data Controller”), as indicated in this notice, informs you that your personal data will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation and confidentiality obligations, according to the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency which inspires the activities of the Companies..

Openjobmetis collects and processes personal data relating to the user ("User/Users") who interacts with the database (In-recruiting) ("Database") and with the various services offered by it. 

1.   Purpose and legal basis for the processing

Your personal data will be collected and processed exclusively for the purposes of registration in the list of candidates for positions within the Company. 

Your data will be collected and processed by the Data Controller for the purposes indicated below.

a)    In the event of a spontaneous and generic application, to contact the User for search and selection purposes, in relation to positions and selections in line with your professional profile. The application requires registration in the Company's database.

b)     In the event of application in response to a specific advertisement, for the purpose of carrying out the assessment activities of the User's application. The application requires registration in the Company's database.

The User, in any case, is asked not to include data of a "particular" and/or sensitive nature in their CV (e.g. relating to their state of health, political opinions, sexual life etc.), other than that strictly required by law for the purposes of CV selection and assessment (e.g. belonging to protected categories).

The legal basis of the processing is the execution of the service expressly requested by the User and any refusal to provide personal data makes it impossible for the Company to manage the User's spontaneous application and registration in the database.

c)   Subject to the User's consent, the Company may verify the information with the User's previous employers in order to obtain professional references.

The legal basis for this processing is the consent expressed by the User.

d)    Pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Data Controller and/or third parties (for example, the right to defence in court, the management of complaints and disputes, debt collection, the prevention of fraud and/or illegal activities) , which are the legal basis of the processing. 

e)   Fulfillment of legal obligations, regulations, national and community regulations as well as deriving from provisions issued by authorities legitimized to do so by law which are the legal basis of the processing.

2.   Nature of the provision of personal data and consequences of failure to communicate

The provision of your personal data required for the purposes of providing the search and selection service for organizational positions, as well as for the related activities and obligations, is necessary for the purposes of inclusion in the candidate list and for the consequent job search and selection. Therefore, non or partial communication of the data would make it impossible to provide the service.

3.   Storage of personal data

The personal data provided by you will be kept for the time required to pursue the purposes for which it was collected and for carrying out the related and instrumental activities, as indicated in the previous paragraph 1 and is deleted when the purposes for which it was collected and processed cease to exist. 

Secondly, the personal data collected for the purposes of evaluating your generic application and contact in relation to positions and selections in line with your professional profile will be kept for 24 months from when it was provided.

At the end of these periods, the data will be stored anonymously for analysis and statistical purposes.

Categories of recipients of personal data and persons who may gain knowledge of it

Within the limits pertinent to the purposes indicated above, the personal data provided by the User will not be disclosed and may be communicated to the parties indicated below.

  • Clients potentially interested in making use of the User's professional activity.
  • Group companies for administrative-accounting purposes, for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Companies and/or third parties, and for the purpose of carrying out the services expressly requested by the User.
  • Companies, collaborators, consultants or freelancers that the Company uses to carry out tasks of a technical or organizational nature (such as IT service providers), or with which the Controller collaborates, for the purposes of the provision and operation of its services, or for any communication activities. In particular, the data will be communicated to the Company Intervieweb S.r.l., as data controller and supplier of the In-Recruiting software.
  • Persons, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and consultancy to the Company, with reference, but not exclusively, to accounting, administrative, legal, tax and financial matters.
  • Banking institutions and insurance companies.
  • Parties whose right to access the data is recognized by legal provisions or orders from the authorities.

The parties belonging to the categories indicated above will use the data as independent data controllers in accordance with the law or as data processors duly appointed by the Data Controller.

These parties will be based in Italy and/or in EU countries.

The personal data provided will, however, be processed exclusively - also at the various branches of the Company - by employees and/or collaborators authorized to process personal data, as well as occasionally by any persons appointed as part of the necessary maintenance operations of equipment. company IT systems, in compliance with the legal provisions also regarding security measures to protect data.

6.    Rights of the involved party

The User may exercise, in the cases expressly provided for by law and where applicable, the rights provided for by the Regulation.

The User has the right to:

  • request confirmation that the processing of his/her personal data is underway and, in this case, ask the Data Controller for access to the information relating to the processing (e.g. purposes, categories of data processed, recipients or categories of recipients of the data, the retention period etc.). Consultation of the processed data is always possible by directly accessing one’s profile;
  • request rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data. The rectification of data is always possible by directly accessing one’s profile;
  • request data to be deleted through the appropriate section of the profile. Please note that if the User has or has had temporary employment with the controller, it will not be possible to delete the data due to the rights of the owner pursuant to art. 17 of the Regulation;
  • request a restriction on the processing;
  • receive, in a commonly used, structured format and readable by an automatic device, the personal data concerning him/her and transmit it to another controller, or request direct transmission from one controller to another, if technically feasible (so-called "data portability”);
  • revoke the consent given at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
  • the User also has the right to object, fully or partially, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, as well as the right to object at any time to marketing purposes (including partially for individual channels).

These rights can be exercised directly by accessing one’s profile and selecting the appropriate "privacy" functions or, if this is not possible, by sending a communication to the following e-mail address: privacy@openjob.it

Finally, if he/she believes that the processing of the data provided violates the legislation on the protection of personal data, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data (www.garanteprivacy.it).

7.    Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) of Openjobmetis S.p.A. can be contacted at the e-mail address privacyofficer@openjob.it.

Notice updated on 14/05/2024.