Mission and Values

mission e valori

Openjobmetis strives to be a real partner for its client companies and a reference point for workers who wish to enter, re-enter or reposition themselves in the employment market. This happens through an ongoing process of growth and development, a strategy based on differentiation and specializationcareful management controlprofessionalismintegrity and targeted solutions.

Aware of its strategic role, Openjobmetis aims to contribute in an increasingly decisive way to satisfy companies and workers, by proposing targeted solutions and efficient and innovative services that make it possible to tackle the continuous evolutions of the labour market and place PEOPLE always at the forefront.

We are the 5th player of the sector. 
Our history is composed of important targets, of people who work with passion and determination, both in the event of success stories and of the most demanding challenges. We are the number one operator of the sector with 100% italian capital listed on the Borsa Italiana MTA.

We are a varied group. 
We believe that the diversity of experience and culture is an advantage! Every day we enter into contact with hundreds of workers and clients that think, behave and feel differently. Our wish is to nourish this richness in our company too.

We share problems to make it easier to tackle them. 
Working in a team to find the best solutions for our clients and turning moments of difficulty into successful situations, are attitudes that have always characterised the way we work.

Few formalities, lots of attention to services!
We like to think that the simplicity which drives our daily life favours the development of human relationships and prevents individualism, for the benefit of synergies geared towards the quality of the services we offer.

We have lots of drive and enthusiasm!!
We are practical people, capable of working with passion and keen to put our talent to use!