Bank and finance

It’s the division tailored for you if: you have gained interesting skills and experience in banks and insurance companies and are looking for new opportunities, have a way with numbers and feel at ease in collar and tie or suit.

Our customers: banks, insurance companies, finance and consumption credit companies, brokers.

The most required profiles are:

  • Insurance agent/Broker
  • Loss adjuster
  • Insurance technical experts
  • Insurance producer
  • Insurance subagent
  • Retail manager
  • Actuary
  • Back office in the bank area
  • Front office in the securities area
  • Risk manager
  • Employee – supervisory reporting
  • Employee - credit department
  • Employee -- loans department
  • Middle office – bank area
  • Exchange operator
  • Bank credits operator
  • Teller
  • Foreign operator
  • Securities operator
  • Bank officer
  • Financial promoter
  • Bank treasurer
  • Trader


Bank and finance